About Us

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Founded in 1947, shortly after the unveiling of ENIAC (the first general purpose electronic computer), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), is the world’s oldest and largest educational and scientific computing society. ACM provides a vital forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and discoveries. ACM is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology. With a world-wide membership, ACM is a leading resource for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of Information Technology, and for interpreting the impact of information technology on society.

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of ACM

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of ACM was founded in 1957 and combined with the San Francisco Peninsula Chapter in 1970. This Chapter is organized for the following educational and scientific purposes (By-Laws, Article II):

  1. To promote an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the science, design, development, construction, languages, management and applications of modern computing.
  2. To provide a means of communication between persons having an interest in computing.
  3. To cooperate with other professional groups in the presentation of programs of interest to the Chapter.

SFBay ACM is a 501(c)3 organization.

Read the complete set of SFBAY chapter by-laws (.pdf)

SFBay ACM meetings and seminars

The SFBay Chapter meets the third Wednesday of every month – except December. Our Data Mining SIG meets on the fourth Monday of the month. While our talks are free, membership is only $20 per year, so please consider joining.

Professional Development Seminars are offered twice a year (schedule and location vary). Previous development seminars have covered Cloud Computing and AJAX. Our fall Data Mining Camps have attracted large audiences.

Mailing Address
Association for Computing Machinery
San Francisco Bay Area Professional Chapter P.O. Box 60355
Sunnyvale, CA 94088

ACM and Related Organizations Links

ACM – The First Society in Computing
National ACM Professional Chapters
National ACM Student Chapters
National ACM Special Interest Groups
SF Bay Area ACM SIG Chapters
Silicon Valley ACM SIGGRAPH
San Francisco ACM SIGGRAPH
BAMMF Bay Area Multimedia Forum (ACM SIGMM)
ACM SIGAI Silicon Valley Chapter
Related Organizations SVForum
Computer History Museum
The Tech Museum