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Global Encryption Day – San Francisco 2024
October 21, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Update 20-Oct:
In-person required registration completion by Wednesday, if you failed to complete or missed it, you can still attend virtually.
Global Encryption Day San Francisco – Training (9-4)
Google Community Space – 188 Embarcadero
Global Encryption Day San Francisco – Thought Leadership (2-9)
Cloudflare – 101 Townsend
Questions? Email ronald.petty@gmail.com (event lead)
Global Encryption Day (GED) is an annual event organized by the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC), designed to raise awareness about the importance of encryption in protecting privacy and securing digital communications. It brings together various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, technology companies, and individuals, to advocate for strong encryption policies and practices.
The Internet Society – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (ISOC SF) has partnered with the Association of Computing Machinery – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (SFBayACM) and ACM San Francisco (ACM SF) to put on this local edition of the GED event, known as Global Encryption Day San Francisco (https://gedsf.org).
This is a free event. You must be registered at least two days prior to attend either event. Registering on this meetup page provides in-person access and training resources.
We encourage both engineers and non-engineers to attend either track. While basic computer administration experience is useful, it is not required. Come learn about the power of encryption.
Track 1 – Education (@Google Community Space & online)
Participants will spend the day training on encryption related technologies ending with a certificate of completion. There is limited space for this training in-person (unlimited online), first come first serve, limited to 80 participants.
Training agenda – https://gedsf.org/tracks.html
Training and certification provided by RX-M (https://rx-m.com/).
We encourage participation, though you can observe and learn, please bring a laptop to learn and reach the certification (full event participation and attendance required). If attending virtually, we will leverage chat feature to check-in throughout the day.
Training event located at:
Google Community Space
188 The Embarcadero (enter Via Embarcadero), San Francisco, CA 94105
9am – 4pm
online link – see top of post
Track 2 – Thought Leadership (@Cloudflare and online)
A series of in-depth and informative talks will be presented. Talks will range from the basics of quantum encryption to legal concerns of encryption usage. Limited to first 100 in person, unlimited for virtual attendance.
Agenda – https://gedsf.org/tracks.html
Thought Leadership event located at:
101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107
2pm – 9pm
online link – see top of post
Event website: https://gedsf.org
Interested in supporting future GED events? Consider donating to the Internet Society (which supports GEC and GED events).
The event staff appreciate the support from the following entities:
- Global Encryption Coalition (GEC)
- Internet Society (ISOC) and local chapter ISOC SF
- SF Bay ACM
- Cloudflare (hosting thought leadership track)
- Google Community Space (hosting training track)
- RX-M (certification program)
- Cloud Native Compute Foundation (marketing)
- M42 (thought leadership support)
- David Issa (event support)
- Chris Hanson (lead trainer) and Christian Lacsina
- Ronald Petty (event support)
- Andres Vega (event support)
- Our speakers, volunteers, and attendees
- Frontegg (sponsor)
Visit GEC to learn of other regional GED events:
Visit GEDSF to learn more about the SF event:
Note 1: This event is in two locations; single registration is required. You may attend either location (or both) if FULLY registered. 20 minute walking distance between them (both in downtown SF).
Note 2: Membership in the ACM or ISOC is not required to attend this event. We would love you to join either/both chapters, but its not required.
Watch this meetup page for updates regarding onsite events.